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Welcome to your space in prana

If you are searching and desire to shift to a life of serenity, abundance, contentment and good health, then, you have arrived!ย 

This modest place is named Prana since the word embodies and defines the ultimate purpose and services in the center โ€“ create and provide relief, direction, clarity, hope, joy and good health to all who wish to have.

We hope to help those who are eager to take a step out of their unhealthy lifestyle, misfortune and get rid of that empty ,meaningless feelings. In contrast, we also love to take part in the journey of a healthy, happy person towards relaxation and life balance. Simply put, PRANA, is a place for everyone.

Prana believes in holistic approach in personal growth, development and transformation. Thatโ€™s why we choose different approach or combination of approach to achieve the balance that a person requires. Prana practices and offers Yoga, Pranayama (Breathworks), Kriya, Meditation, Reiki and Pranic Healing, Sound Bath and Therapy.. For those who have faith and are fond of understanding the cards, Tarot and Angel Cards are also done in the center.

Live life to its fullestโ€ฆ so they say. And if you need a hand to do that, Prana would be very happy and honored to hold and carry you. Donโ€™t worry and never fret, we always keep it fun and simple, you would just be surprised how you achieve your small and big successes.

TAKE THE LEAPโ€ฆ Itโ€™s timeโ€ฆ

Gyss Sharma


Meditation, Yoga, Healing Program & More

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About Gyss Sharma

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Gyss Sharma has devoted her time in learning and creating transformation programs to allow us to live our limited, yet beautiful life with zest and passion.

She’s an Intuitive, Spiritual Life Transformation Coach, a Yoga and Meditation Teacher, a Teacher’s Teacher, a Reiki Grandmaster and a Pranic Healer.